Thursday, April 22, 2010

April 22 Phnom Penh Russian Market, Museum and Palace

We had breakfast at 7:30, did some internet work, then took a tuk tuk to the Russian Market ($2.50), an outdoor covered market which was nevertheless very hot.  We bought a few trinkets, priced many items, returned to our hotel for a cool swim and lunch.

The National Museum cost a few dollars each, and we hired a guide on the spot for $5.  She took us around for over an hour, showing us many statues that had been taken from Angkor Wat, explaining their history.  It was useful to fill in many gaps in our understanding.

We then walked to the King's palace, where we paid a similar amount for tickets and a guide.  The current king is the 55 year old son of Noridom Sihanouk, who is still alive in his mid-eighty's.  Apparently he was present  in the residence there, but he only has ceremonial powers. The palace is fairly small but impressive.  We also visited the Silver Temple where the Emerald Buddah is housed.  This was contained in the palace grounds and was known as silver because the floor is made of silver tiles, each weighing about a kilo.  The emerald Buddah is magnificent, but is made from a solid piece of jade about three feet tall.  We also saw some impressive stupas where the ashes of former kings and royalty are kept.

We had beer at a riverside cafe and read their Wall Street Journal , then went back to the Foreign Correspondents Club for dinner overlooking the River from its rooftop terrace.  Now organizing for our morning flights to Bangkok and Chaing Mai.

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