Wednesday, April 10, 2013

10 April 2013 Ziro and its surrounds

We were able to get our breakfast served promptly at 7AM, which was probably due to the fuss we had kicked the night before when dinner was half an hour late.  There are other Indians in our hotel, but they mostly eat in their rooms, and we are somewhat the curiosities to other guests and even to the staff.
We went for a short birding walk, and were surprised to find a group of 10 Scarlet Minivets passing through our hotel grounds. Then we walked through our guide’s village, met his wife, and inspected the village rice paddies.  This area is known for their system of growing rice and fish in the same paddy field, which requires putting in baby fish at the right time, then planting the young rice sprouts, and keeping the correct level of water until both the rice and fish can be harvested.

Alters outside of homes

We saw the ladies with the nose plugs, photographed a few, and then did some more birding as there are different ones at this higher elevation. We checked out two internet cafes, which would let us use their computers if we provided copies of our passport, but would not let us connect our own computers to their internet. Apparently a tourist had done this and put something illegal on the internet, and the owners got in trouble.  So we will see if we can get some blog material on a flash drive and put some stuff on the blog, and answer any messages.

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