Sunday, October 4, 2009

Castaneda to Arca

We had breakfast at our lovely noble man's house and it cost is 12 €s each! Today we did about 23KM with various ups and downs and because of the rain the pathway got slippery. Yes, we were in rain gear all day! We had a very slow start and it wasn't until lunch at a small random cafe in Calle that was packed with perigrinos trying to get dried out that we finally were really moving well after our lunch. While we had a few peregrinos with us, it wasn't until close to our finish at 19KM that we started walking in a line of 15 peregrinos in sight. Many are those we recognize by sight if not by name because they have been with us a different times before, so there is a sense of camaraderie that we are close to the end. We shared our lunch bottle of wine with a french lady that was finally completing the Camino after 4 yrs. She started in Le Puy and because she has a B & B in Alsace, she only gets 2 weeks off a year.

All day you could hear fireworks going off.  I assumed it was hunters as it was a Sunday  and early in the day a car had passed us with a driver in camo clothes pulling a trailer full of beagles. Obviously they were out for a day of hunting.

Chestnut trees are now dropping the nuts on the ground. No one seems to be harvesting them as far as we can tell.

Our casa rural owner came and picked us up when we called from kilometer 19 and took us to our room at a restored water mill. Wonderful place that in season is 75€s but after Oct 1 it is low season, so the rooms are 45€s. They will take us back to the trail tomorrow morning at 8am to start the final walk into Santiago. Rain is expected again tomorrow, and as there were no laundry facilities here, and we didn't arrive until 4:30pm, only the very basic items have been washed in the sink.

We had a lovely dinner including scalllops and a local speciality of their cheese with mince jelly for dessert. It continues to rain outside so they made a fire for us in the dining room stove which was nice. We are excited about tomorrow and our arrival at Santiago!

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